Saturday, August 16, 2014

I'm Finished!!

I'm finished!! Or so I think.  I think I have finally finished back to school shopping.  Tons of money gone, but not wasted.  It is going into educating the future of our nation, our world, at that.  Yes it burns a hole in my wallet, but its my way of giving back to my kiddos who can't afford to bring in their own supplies.

I read a blog the other day of a parent who was well off who didn't want to buy "classroom supplies." And you know what?  I've actually had a student tell me her mom doesn't buy those type of supplies to be shared with the class.  I suppose I understand, "Why should I buy something for some one else's child?"  But really? $3 maybe for some glue sticks (we don't even ask for brand name stuff), honestly, out of my 90 students last year that would mean each child is receiving less than a nickel from this parent.  But to each his own, huh?

Yet, then there are those less fortunate students who would always bring in supplies for the classroom.  (I teach high school).  Of course offering the extra credit would help. :P.

Well I don't mind giving each of my kiddos a little more than a nickel.  But don't think I'm the big spender either.  I've bought brand and off brand supplies, but I've had my eye peeled for the sales and coupons!  Woo!! (Hopefully I can start bragging about how awesome of a couponer I will become)

I'm excited to share my classroom with the world.  This upcoming week when I go in I will take all the pictures I need to take.  I still need to get some posters laminated to have a completed room.  I'm looking forward to a pretty awesome year.  As far as buying more things for the classroom, I'm hoping I'm done for the moment.

Later gator!

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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday together.

I think a great tip whenever in a any type of relationship is time together and time apart. I haven't been married long, but we have been together as a couple for almost 7 years.

Usually Sundays are our days to spend time with one another. And we did. Breakfast out, movies (TMNT-loved it!), lunch with his family, grocery shopping (my favorite thing to do together). Then, lately we've started going to go play softball on Sunday evenings (well actually he plays I cheer him on lol). Today, after all the time spent together this morning, I let him go alone. He was a little hesitant at first to leave alone, but I assured him it wasn't a trick. You know how we women can get with all these "do you love me or not" tests.

This time is good, this time is healthy. I think one of the number one tips for any relationship for sure.

Until the next one, (maybe teacher lifestyle since we're about to start),

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Sunday, August 3, 2014

It's a no.

So we took the test, turns out I'm not expecting. Which is good, but at the same time disappointing in away. I was already looking forward to the pregnancy months.

I really did get my hopes up for a second, but it didn't work. We'll see when and if this will happen for us.

Until then, I'm out!
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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Almost 2 Months

So its about to hit the two month mark of being newlyweds, and what has changed?  Well absolutely nothing.

Honestly, but I really do believe that's a good sign.  Then again, maybe it's too early to tell.

Yesterday, I spent the whole day (and I do indeed mean the whole day) cleaning up our lovely house. And my goodness, didn't know two people (and two dogs) could really make that big of a mess! I need to learn some life hacks on how to clean quickly and efficiently!  Well, because, lets face it, cleaning quickly isn't that hard. Heck, that's what me and hubster do most of the time.  Not this time, nah uh, I went the whole way.

I do have to admit though, it was fun to begin with, then it just got tiring.  What did I sign up for?!?!  Then, my husband got home, not in the mood to do anything.  The downfalls of marriage, I suppose.

So, how do you make your husband desire you?? Am I the only lady with these problems?  I want him to want me as much as he did when we began dating.  I want him to grab me unexpectedly and kiss me passionately!!  That's all I ask, and lately, more frequently.  Hormones out the roof!!

Which brings me to my last post topic.  So, I believe I may be pregnant.  Why?  I just have this feeling that I may be.  I'm supposed to be on my period right now, but it isn't really late.  I'm experiencing PMS, but who knows, pregnancy symptoms too?  I think I may be, but at the same time,  I'm trying to put those thoughts aside so that I don't get disappointed when Aunt Flow does show.  Juan seems to be more worried than looking forward to the opportunity.  Either way, I'll be fine.  It wouldn't be planned if its not.  But, still, it would be nice.

We'll see.  And like that, I'm out!
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